Monday, 6 May 2013

To Peel and back...

Well it's been a few weeks sine I last sat by the computer and told you about my walking habit. A few days after, I had the realisation that miles and times are probably only of interest to me, so I'll try to keep the stats to a minimum.

I'll now pick up where my last blog left off...

I went out for a walk with my sister and whilst the pace wasn't consistent, it was good to have someone to talk to instead of listening to my iPod for hours on end! Time definitely seems to go quicker when you are chatting and the level of gossip was certainly high and better than reading the latest red top newspaper.

Many people have asked if I did actually walk if rom Liverpool City Centre to Goodison Park, well I'm sorry to say that I didn't walk it, but happy that my mate Higgy was kind enough to give me a lift to the Everton v Fulham game and it would have been rude to refuse it (I did do a fair bit of walking around Liverpool One during the morning though). Everton won 1-0 and the game was a bit flat, but I love watching them play, so am content with sacrificing my training that weekend for it!

I've done a few walks during the last couple of weeks, but it was only this weekend where I decided to take a different route for my first 20 mile effort (sorry for mentioning miles there). Peel was the destination and the day started off quite cloudy and cold, so I dressed accordingly... short sighted of me, as the weather forecast had predicted sun and didn't disappoint (but more of that later). Walking a route that is familiar to you when driving makes you realise how much you actually don't see (as well as making you think that the distance is shorter). The trip out to Ballacraine via the TT course was enjoyable, although I'd had a few glasses of wine the night before and was feeling a bit dehydrated. The onward journey through St Johns and towards Peel saw the clouds part and the sun come out (not good for someone with 3 layers on), nevertheless I got to Peel police station and turned around to come back.

The return leg left me feeling anxious to get home, not only because I knew I had at least another 2 hours and 15 minutes of walking to do, but also because I was worried I might not actually get back in time to watch the Merseyside Derby! The walk back was more uncomfortable than I remember any other walk I'd done in previous years, my feet were getting sore (although, luckily enough I didn't get any blisters), my legs were getting tired and my mentality wasn't right. I got home, but my early training confidence had been dented somewhat... Is knowing what completing the full 85 miles feels like, affecting me in a negative way? I've spoken to 2 other finishers recently who told me of them feeling it more and it being more difficult to training over longer distances... maybe for me it's a mental thing? I just hope that my mental strength matches my stubbornness and I will overcome it, "Watch this space"!

My legs and feet are fine after a night's rest, so all being well, I shall be pounding the streets of Douglas tomorrow evening in an attempt to prove to myself that a second Parish Walk finish isn't beyond my capability! Bye for now...

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